We've known this for quite sometime as we made it to the top of the "Best Places to Retire" in 2002, however, this year, Money Magazine and CNN/Money have named Las Cruces, New Mexico as one of the best places to retire, once again! Here is copy of the write up from
http://money.cnn.com/best/bpretire/Las Cruces, New Mexico For folks who retire to Las Cruces, the city's obvious selling points -- the breathtaking Organ Mountains, the New Mexico State University-sponsored cultural scene and two state-of-the-art hospitals -- are almost an afterthought.What makes Las Cruces special, they say, is the genuine hospitality among transplants and locals alike. "We kept saying 'Why are people so nice here?'" said Dinny Bomberg, a retiree from Minneapolis. "We decided it's because life here is pretty stress-free."Inexpensive housing and almost 300 days of sunshine a year don't hurt either.The advantages haven't gone unnoticed: Las Cruces has boomed over the past 10 years. Still, prices have stayed modest; new houses in a southwestern faux adobe style start around $200,000, while existing stock usually costs less.The town hasn't surrendered to sprawl. Decades of neglect have left the downtown section looking haggard, but it's now scheduled for a face-lift that includes restoration of a historic theater.NMSU is the center of most local entertainment, from gallery talks to college football to a recent mariachi conference. Classes are available to seniors at a deep discount and end up costing about $130 a semester. Retired faculty members help run a wide-ranging lecture series known as the Academy of Learning in Retirement.Amazingly enough although the small write up hits a lot of our glowing attributes, it neglected to mention our YEAR ROUND golf! Yes, a retirement article that overlooked golf! I'm from the east coast and my father can only play golf during certain months of the year, let me tell you, when he visited for the first time last Thanksgiving, he could not get over the fact that he could play golf at the end of November! Well guess what, no only can you play golf at Thanksgiving, but also Christmas and any other day of the year. Our weather truely is spectacular! So folks, RETIRE TO LAS CRUCES, NEW MEXICO!